The supply of vehicles on the market is no longer reduced to traditional cars that run on a fuel engine, but we have new possibilities: the hybrid car and the 100% electric car. Today we explain to you what a hybrid car is and what are the advantages and the disadvantages of having a hybrid car compared to the traditional car and an electric car. What is a hybrid car? Hybrid cars are vehicles that work thanks to the combination of an electric motor and a fossil fuel one. The car uses one or the other according to the needs of each moment automatically.

Advantages of having a hybrid car VS conventional car

They are much less noisy cars, since the hybrid car's engine is much quieter than the conventional one. The engine is more efficient and elastic compared to a conventional car. And they have better offers and discounts on insurance, because of its greater efficiency, fewer breakdowns and accidents. Reduction of the emission of polluting gases: We leave this to the end because there is a great debate around this issue. Although they emit fewer gases, the pollution they emit is more harmful to health than the gases emitted by a Diesel car.

VS electric car

Greater autonomy than electric cars, as it is supported by an engine that runs by combustion and recharging is much faster. The hybrid car's combined engine is more powerful and dynamic than an electric one.

Disadvantages of hybrid cars

It is not yet a settled product so in case of breakdown, it is more difficult to repair. Many elements are manufactured with materials that come from scarce natural resources. Others can only be obtained through chemical processes, such as neodymium and lanthanum. Prices are usually quite high, at least for the moment. A hybrid car is less light than a conventional one, as it has the weight of the electric motor and batteries. And therefore; the heavier the car is, the higher the battery consumption is.